JAKARTA - After being delayed, Falcon Pictures finally decided to continue the pandemic film project which was previously delayed. Appointed from Hans Jaladara's comic, this film is produced in the form of an animated film that will be shown in theaters.

Panji Lihat melibatkan setidaknya 10 aktor yang akan menjadi pengilih karakter yang ada, diantaranya Denny Sumargo sebagai Panji Lebih, Donny Damara sebagai Bramantya, Cok waryara sebagai Lembugiri, Aghniny Haque sebagai Gantari, Tanta Ginting sebagai Kalawereng, Nurra Duau sebagai Murni, Donny Alamsyah sebagai Wirabaya, Revaldo sebagai Kakak Pertama, Candra Mukti sebagai Kuwuk dan Prit timothy sebagai Nagamas.

Denny Sumargo, who voiced Panji, said that filling out his voice in an animated film was his first experience for him. He felt the process he went through in this project was the best process he had ever experienced as an actor.

The first experience for me, a challenging and interesting thing, an honor is here. I saw the process, I just got to know the character of Panji further, I just didn't know the name of the character. This is a super hero, not the one who doesn't stream. This is one of my best processes in the film," said Denny Sumargo at a press conference in the Pancoran area, South Jakarta, Monday, December 19.

In addition, veteran actor Cok Goodra also said the same thing. Even though he has been acting for decades, filling out voice in an animated film is his first experience for him. This is a new experience for us. I think it's just DUbbing, eh, it turns out to be wrong. That's how it is in the studio, everyone will disperse. If there's no Deryl, we won't be able to afford it," said Cok

After about a week of reading process, the actors are currently in the process of recording the voice. "The process has reached the recording of the actors. Today is the last," said Frederica, producer of Panji's voice.

Similar to the animation of Si Juki and Warkop DKI which was also worked on by Falcon Pictures, Panji first recorded the voice before the animation was made. So this actor is not a DUbbing but voice acting. So we recorded their voices, expressions and movements first, then they will be drawn later. The animation process in Hollywood is like that, not the image has been filled with voice, not that," explained Frederica.

Furthermore, the production of this animation work will take 12 months and involve 250 creators from various disciplines, ranging from screenwriters, concept artists, animators, to editors and sound designers. The producer explained that Panji Lihat will be ready to hit theaters in 2024.

Directed bybuel Wilson, the film Panji Kucing tells the story of a warrior named Panji who finds no peace even though he has defended his wife's death. He also tried to end his life, but he had black magic to stop him.

Then Panji went on a trip until he met Bramantya who offered him a way out of a life full of regret. Bramantya, Nagamas (Panji teacher) older brother, asked Panji to look for Lembugiri, his younger brother who was kidnapped by Kalawereng bandits who also seized Pusaka Adidaya, a mythological weapon that has the power to lift Panji's curse.

Together with Kuwuk, a coward, and Gantari, an innocent warrior girl, Panji followed Bramantya into the Kalawereng power forest. Thanks to Kuwuk's direction, they arrived at the location where Lembugiri was ambushed. However, Kalawereng has been waiting. At that time, Bramantya was stabbed by Lembugiri who turned out to have faked his death to seize the heirloom key.

The four realized that they had to save the world from the abuse of the heirloom by Lembugiri who intended to use the Adidaya heirloom to stop the war and become the sole ruler.

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