JAKARTA - Actress Pevita Pearce announced that she had contracted COVID-19. Today, Friday, December 18, the 5 cm film player shared the news through his Instagram account.

“Day 5 with Vid. For someone who eats a healthy diet, vitamins, exercise regularly, and follows all protocols. "

Pevita said, this incident is a warning that even people who follow health protocols can catch the corona virus.

"So please please please use a mask wherever you are in public or meet someone, don't forget to clean, do social spacing, maintain a healthy lifestyle and always feel good," said Pevita Pearce closing her caption.

The post was shared with a photo of Pevita Pearce in a bed, drugs and a video of an officer approaching her.

This photo has been heavily commented on by celebrity friends and netizens. Starting from the African singer to Gading Marten, all sent prayers so that Pevita Pearce would soon recover from COVID-19.

"I'm still excited, pev can be healthy," said Audy Item in her comments.

"Get well soon, pev," wrote Andrea Dian, a COVID-19 survivor who wrote her comment through the upload.

Pevita Pearce did not say how she contracted COVID-19. It is known that he is currently preparing for the film Sri Asih, directed by Upi.

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