JAKARTA - Actor Jeremy Bulloch, who is known for playing Boba Fett in the Star Wars trilogy, died on Thursday, December 17 in London from Parkinson's disease.

Launching Variety on the same day, Jeremy Bulloch's agent announced the actor's departure. “We are pleased to announce the passing of actor Jeremy Bulloch. He (Bulloch) died peacefully, in hospital, surrounded by a family of health complications in recent years with Parkinson's disease. "

“Jeremy is known for his role as Boba Fett in the Star Wars trilogy. He has had a long and exciting career of more than 45 years. "

According to Jeremy Bulloch's personal website, he spent his last time with the family and staff of St. George's Hospital which is close to his residence.

Born in Leicestershire in 1945, Jeremy Bulloch started acting in 1958 through commercials. Then, his first role was obtained in the Counter Attack! In 1960. Various series and films he played starting from The Newcomers, Summer Holiday and Doctor Who series.

But his role as Boba Fett in the Star Wars films is iconic. Apart from the trilogy, Bulloch is also present in the documentation, Return of the Ewok. In an interview, he admitted that Boba Fett's clothes were so heavy that he Fett was a role that made him uncomfortable.

In 2005, he appeared in the Star Wars film Revenge of the Sith as Captain Jeremoch Colton. Bulloch also leaked that a film about Boba Fett would be made. The character of Boba Fett is one of the inspirations for the spin off series The Mandalorian which is currently running on Disney +.

Jeremy Bulloch is survived by a wife and 10 children and grandchildren. Bulloch died at the age of 75.

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