JAKARTA - The youngest son of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and Iriana, Kaesang Pangarep, has undergone a sunkem and siraman procession on Friday, December 9 morning. The procession is part of a series of Javanese traditional events before the brides get married.

During the procession that took place at his family's residence in Sumber, Surakarta, Jokowi revealed the emotional moment that occurred during the siraman procession. Starting from Kaesang's confession which said he had cried while undergoing sungkem and siraman, Jokowi also informed Kaesang the first figure to cry.

"Earlier, Mrs. Iriana cried, then Mas Kaesang cried too. Mas Bobby also cried earlier," Jokowi told the media after the SUNkem and siraman procession, Friday, December 9.

Iriana did not deny that she cried first. He admitted that the cry was an expression of happiness for his youngest son. "I feel happy, happy," said Iriana while looking at Kaesang.

After the sunset and siraman procession, Jokowi also conveyed a message for Kaesang who would build a household with Erina. "We as parents also hope that the families of Mas Kaesang and Mbak Erina in the future can become sakinah, mawaddah, warahmah families," he said.

Meanwhile, Iriana also gave a message to her youngest son. Through a short but deep message, he hopes that Kaesang will be happy. "What is certain is always happy, le," he said.

After the two brides undergo a siraman procession, then Erina will undergo a midodareni procession at her family's residence on Jalan Lombok, Purwosari, Sinduadi Village, Mlati District, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. During the midodadareni procession, Jokowi will attend directly to the Erina family's residence.

Furthermore, Kaesang and Erina will conduct a marriage contract at the Royal Ambarrukmo Yogyakarta on Saturday, December 10, followed by downloading of mantu and tasy gauge in Solo on Sunday, December 11.

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