JAKARTA - After pursuing a career for years, you must have felt bored and tired. The desire to take a break from being busy at work is also implied in the mind. However, there is doubt because you are afraid that all the struggles you go through to reach an office position will be wasted if you stop now.

Don't worry, you're not the only one who has the desire to do a career break. Even quoted from CNet, LinkedIn's survey results in January 2022, about 67 percent of the career break posts that appear on LinkedIn pages come from career women.

So, taking a career break is a common action. In an article on thetensive God Boss page, Wednesday, December 7, it is also stated that a short break from pursuing a career has many benefits, including:

Having ambitions is important, but if it's too ambitious it can be dangerous. Because usually ambitious people will do things they want. So you think that everyone who doesn't trust you is a threat. So you react negatively, even if you realize that person is right.

If you've been working in the same field for a long time, a career break is the right time to update and expand your network. Even for those who are less interested in expanding the network, doing something new or joining a new organization or community usually offers a natural way of meeting people. Who knows, one of your new friends can lead you to a new career.

Career break gives you time away from your demands and routine routines to find out what you really want to do next in life. It may be difficult to make that decision when fully involved in a career. The distance and perspective offered during the carer break. As well as the opportunity to try out other job options, allow you to evaluate it effectively.

Spending time doing something different can give you a new perspective on your career or field. Either in general expand insight, gain specific insight from other work, or only have the opportunity to reflect. Career break can be the perfect catalyst for re-calibrating your point of view.

This could benefit anyone who has spent a long time in the same field of work or company. There's a good chance you'll return to your old career with new ideas or maybe find a completely different route to take.

Many people take special carers break to get new qualifications and skills. Some people take part in formal education or training programs and others take paid jobs outside of their regular fields. If possible, choose an opportunity that will give you the best preparation to get back to work.

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