JAKARTA - German actress Chethrin Schulze claims to have married a doll. Now, they have a plastic baby named Hanneore.

28-year-old Chethrin showed off her 'new husband' on social media this week. The actress claims, the doll known as Cedric often accompanies her during the lockdown.

She also shared a clip of a 'baby' named Hanneore - and added that the plastic baby doll will not be featured on her social media accounts often.

Chethrin showing off his 'new husband' on social media this week (Instagram @chethrin_official)

"I don't want my son to grow up on camera lenses," he said.

Local media claims that everything the German version of Love Island star does is a tease to influencers and celebrities who often share the lives of their children on social media.

It looks like the clip isn't aimed at any celeb, but is a criticism of the influencers who make their money showing off their offspring.

However, not all doll marriages are considered fake like Chethrin's marriage to Cedric.

A few weeks ago, Kazakh bodybuilder Yuri Tolochko married his sex doll, Margo.

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