JAKARTA - The Satkara Sharing Teacher Community (KGSB) together with the BK Teacher's House (RGBK) held a series of training in the form of writing classes for Teacher members of KGSB to commemorate National Teacher's Day which falls on November 25, 2022. This series of trainings was conducted online and took place from November 26, 2022 to December 10, 2022.

In the Merdeka Curriculum, there are six basic literacy skills that must be mastered by students and become competency demands. The six basic liters are Writing Read Literacy, Numeration Literacy, Science Literacy, Digital Literacy, Financial Literacy, and Cultural and Citizenship Literacy. These six literacys must also indirectly be controlled by the Teachers so that they can directly teach students.

In general, Teachers use two skills in communicating with their students. The first is speech skills used to explain subject matter, provide motivation, and so on. The second is writing skills used to write materials and teaching materials for students. However, there are still teachers who interpret writing skills as ordinary writing, such as writing materials on the board which usually consist of important points or writing journals. Even though the role of writing skills is more than that.

Based on a previous survey of KGSB members, 96.8% are interested in increasing their writing skills through intensive training. Moreover, 70% of KGSB teacher members choose non-fiction as writing training material. Regarding the output to be generated, 73.3% of the members want to take part in writing training to support their work as Teachers.

Departing from these needs, the Class of WRitting KGSB Batch 1 was held as an appreciation to the Teachers of KGSB members. This series of writing classes begins with registration which requires prospective participants to submit the writing of the Free Learning themed opinion. Furthermore, the selected participants attended the first meeting to provide online essay writing briefing on Saturday, November 26, 2022. Consultations through the WhatsApp Group on Friday, December 2, 2022. And ended with a second online presentation and evaluation meeting on Saturday, December 10, 2022.

The structure of this writing class is designed in stages starting from the assessment of writing ability through writing sent by prospective training participants, material briefing, independent practice, assistance, to evaluation and presentation. The material provided during this training class is equivalent to 44 Student Hours (JP).

KGSB founder Ruth Andriani said that this intensive writing training aims to produce the latest works from KGSB members. "After previously KGSB published textbooks from one of the KGSB members, this writing class is a selection for writings that we will publish in an anthology book an inspirational story from the good practices of KGSB members," Ruth said.

The article concluded the good practice of KGSB teacher members in innovation and creativity in realizing independent learning. It is hoped that the collection of writings will be an inspiration for other fellow teachers out there to carry out good practices," Ruth continued.

Widyaiswara The Center for Mobilization Teachers at West Java Province, the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia and the Founder of the BK Teacher's House, Ana Susanti, supports and welcomes this Class KGSB writing program. In her speech, Ana said that it was very important for a teacher to have good writing skills so that the results of the writing could be more creative and in demand.

The preparation of word after word also needs to be considered so that the resulting writing is not just writing without meaning. By writing, Teachers are also required to be diligent in reading, so that through reading and writing skills it will improve the quality of Teachers as teachers," said Ana.

The KGSB Batch 1 Writing Class presents Titik Kartitiani as an experienced professional facilitator of approximately 20 years in the world of writing. The point is a senior journalist, active speaker in writing activities, and writer with various national awards. On this occasion, The Point guides KGSB members to make writings in the form of popular opinions and essays with the theme Innovation and Teacher Creativity in Realizing Freedom of Learning.

In the briefing session, Titik emphasized the importance of reading to make good writing. Enriching reading references is the key in writing. The more literature we read, the more diction we can absorb. This wealth of diction will make the writing process easier and able to bring up creative ideas, said point.

One of the KGSB members who was selected to take part in the KGSB Batch 1 Writing Class is English teacher SMKN 2 Bangkalan, Finalia Meiriana feels helped by this activity. "Alhamdulillah, this Class of KGSB Batch 1 has provided a lot of new knowledge in the world of writing. Even though it is still an early stage or debriefing, participants have been asked to make spontaneous writings with a limited time. This forces us to be unable to write. The submission of material by facilitators is very interesting because each theory is continued with practice", said Finalia.

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