Downloading Mantu Is One Of The Unique Processes In Marriage, This Is Understanding To A Series Of Complete Events
Illustration of download mantu (Pixabay)

YOGYAKARTA In Javanese traditional marriage, one of the processions that is no less important is downloading in-laws. This procession is carried out from the bride and held in a predetermined place. In culture, downloading in-laws is a unique and interesting procession. To make it clearer here is the explanation.

In general, the meaning of downloading mantu is a ceremony or welcoming procession held by the groom to welcome the bride and groom. This procession can also be said to be a welcoming ceremony for a new family.

The term download mantu comes from two words in Javanese, namely download which means harvesting, picking, while in-laws meaning son-in-law, in this case is a daughter-in-law.

The procession of downloading mantu is a complementary party at a wedding. This tradition is known to the public in Java and Sundanese. The bride's family will introduce their new son-in-law through a party so that the brothers and the community around the house know the arrival of their new family, the bride who is now a daughter-in-law.

In the tradition, actually the process of downloading mantu is not a must. However, many Javanese and Sundanese people continue to hold this procession. The Mantu download party can also be done according to financial capacity. Some people choose to hold a perta download of the in-laws by holding a simple recitation, but some hold a big party by inviting many guests.

For the people of Java and Sundanese, downloading mantu is not just an ordinary welcoming party. There are several goals that the bride's family is trying to achieve, namely as follows.

In general, the Mantu download event can be done in various ways. What should be taken into account is the timing of the party and the series of events in the download of the in-laws.

In terms of time, downloading mantu is usually held not too long after the wedding procession on the bride and groom. Some people held this tradition 5 days after the wedding reception was held. However, there are also those who do it 7 days after the reception taking into account many things.

Meanwhile, the series of events carried out in the Mantu download procession must also be held according to the order, which is as follows.

The bride and groom are bringing or bringing the bride from the bride's family to the groom's family. The bride and groom are usually done by vehicle, then before approaching the party location, the bride and escort will walk towards the party with Javanese gendhing Boyong's music accompaniment.

The bride's family or parents will welcome the arrival of the bride and accompaniment. At this moment the groom's mother will wrap the batik cloth of Sidodokkati's motif on the shoulders of the bride and groom. This procession will be accompanied by the music of Gending Boyong Basuki.

The opening remarks were made by each bride's family as an opening ceremony. From the bride's family, the opening house contains the handover of the bride to the groom's family. Meanwhile, the groom's family contained the expression of acceptance of the bride and welcome.

This procession was held with the construction and insertion of setaman flowers on the legs of the bride and groom carried out by the mother. This procession symbolizes the spiritual cleaning of dirt so that both of them become clean humans when they become a husband and wife.

After the fertilizer procession is complete, the bride and groom are asked to drink clear water. This procession symbolizes that the bride will exchange ideas on the basis of calm and silence of the soul and transparency.

This procession is in the form of taking a keris or a weapon worn by the groom. The withdrawal was carried out by the father of the groom and then replacing the keris with a new heirloom that had previously been prepared. After that, the groom's mother will pour the sindur cloth on the bride and groom and then guide the bride to the aisle chair.

Sungkeman is done by way of the bride and groom sitting down to their parents and in-laws. Sungkeman is meant to ask for the blessing and prayers of both parents.

It should be noted that downloading mantu is a procession that symbolizes goodness. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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