YOGYAKARTA Pale lips are not common. Apart from anemia, the color of normal lips can turn to more faded.

Lips play an important role in many ways. Including facial expressions, eating and drinking, reciting words, sensations, and intimacy. When speaking, lips create a lot of sounds. In babies, they rely on lips to suck breastfeeding during breastfeeding. That means that lips have an important role and should not be ignored if they experience change.

The red on the lips, called the vermilion. Vermilion borders are the boundaries of pale skin separating the vermilion from the skin around the face. Most of the facial skin has 16 layers of cells. But on the lips, it only has 3-5 layers. This means that the lip skin has a thin structure so that blood vessels appear to stand out. Launching WebMD, lip vermilions between pink, reddish, and brown.

The cause of the pale lips for what? Several factors influenced it, among them, as follows.

Pale lips are one common sign of anemia. This is a condition where the body does not have enough red blood cells. However, anemia can also be caused by many things, such as the body destroying red blood cells and blood loss when bleeding.

Anemia can also be caused by various diseases that affect the production of blood cells. Including inflammation, such as cancer and HIV. Symptoms of anemia can be varied to everyone. Even some people do not experience any symptoms.

Your pale lips may be a sign of vitamin B12 deficiency. The body needs this vitamin to produce red blood cells. Unlike most other vitamins, vitamin B12 cannot be made naturally by the body. So you have to meet the needs of this vitamin from food or supplements.

Vitiligo is a condition that causes white spots on the skin. The skin, which initially had melanocytes to make pigment, can be destroyed when it is vitiligo. The exact cause has not been determined, but researchers say that the vitiligo may be autoimmune disruption.

The condition of a person with a vitiligo, may also change the color of the lips to be paler. The color fades so that it is white in milk. Usually, people with vitiligo experience pale lips along the vermilion border and facial skin.

This is a condition also known as the lips of sailors caused by long-term sun exposure. Usually affects the lower lip, the lip that is most likely to be exposed to sunlight. Symptoms, recognized by the appearance of bintin-spots on the lips. The color looks a bit white or like milk. When the bintin thickens, it may be textured like a scales. It may also develop boils and make lip vermilions fade.

Actinic cheilitis, needs to be treated immediately. Because if not, it will cause carcinoma of squeamous cells, or a type of skin cancer.

Lip cancer is quite common in the United States. Sometimes it is misinterpreted as a cold or lesion wound. But actually because of growing cancer cells on the lips. Symptoms, lumps, abrasions, and wounds that never heal on the lips. Even experiencing swelling of the jaw and bleeding. It hurts so much, that if you experience uncomfortable conditions related to your pale lips that never recover, you need to see a doctor immediately.

White spots in the mouth, tongue, and lips can be caused by the candialysis of the mouth. Candida is a type of fungus that lives on the skin and in the body. But sometimes it spreads and causes infections such as shariawan. This condition tends to be experienced often by babies, especially those under 1 month old and with a weak immune system. In healthy adults, lipas that cause pale lips are rarely experienced.

Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar, usually occurs in diabetics. This is due to too much insulin in the body. Insulin created by the pancreatic, functions to manage glucose for energy and pale skin is one of the symptoms of low blood sugar.

That's an explanation of the pale lips for anything. When you have to see a doctor, when your lips are pale constantly and followed by other symptoms that make your body feel uncomfortable.

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