YOGYAKARTA Sunscreen or sunscreen is applied to the skin, even in addition to facial skin it also needs to be protected with this protective cream. Sunscreen must be worn every day, even if you are active indoors. In addition, when the sky is cloudy or in a winter area of four seasons, you must also wear this skin shield.

Historically, sunscreen was first created in the ancient Egyptian era, which was formulated from bekatul and jasmine extracts. The goal is still the same from that era to date, namely to protect the skin from exposure to the sun. In 1936, a chemical discovered sunscreen that has been sold on the market, and the formula has changed since then. Modern sunscreen products, even claim to be water resistant and are included in cosmetic and beauty products such as primaries, powder mats, serums, and creams.

During winter, snow can reflect ultraviolet (UV) rays up to 80 percent. In addition, living in the highlands is also important to wear sunscreen every day because of the greater UV exposure. In more detail, here are the reasons why you have to use sunscreen every day.

The danger is UV light when it touches the skin, including making the skin dull, triggering premature aging, such as wrinkles, appearing black spots, and the skin is no longer elastic. To prevent this danger, you must wear sunscreen every day.

Sunscreens or sunscreens can block or minimize UV light entering through the skin barrier and cause unwanted effects. Most importantly pay attention, choose sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 15 and use it every day. Use it for the whole body's coverage when you sunbathe.

In the United States, reported by EHE Health, Monday, November 28, skin cancer is the most common form of cancer. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 71,943 people were diagnosed with skin melanoma in 2013 and 9,394 of these cases were fatal. That means, applying sunscreen every day can reduce half the risk of skin cancer.

Skin damage due to UV light causes photoaging of the skin. Symptoms are characterized by rough skin texture, skin color changes, collagen is damaged, and contributes to wrinkles on the skin.

Research shows that those under 55 years of age use sunscreen regularly have a 24 percent smaller chance of developing signs of aging than those who are not. This means that sunscreen has benefits to protect the skin from premature aging.

Have you ever experienced a striped skin on the back of your hand that was not covered by a jacket and for not applying sunscreen? That's why you have to wear sunscreen every day. Wherever the place, both on the face, back of the hands, arms, and feet, sunscreen can be used in that place to help maintain the color of the skin even if exposed to the sun.

Scientists discovered the mutation of the MC1R gene that created red hair and white skin. This change in hair and skin color, due to exposure to the sun's UV. The mutation also creates cancer-causing pathways. That means, UV radiation can increase genetic tendencies towards cancer.

Those are the five reasons why you have to be sunscreen every day. Do you have to wear it even at night? In principle, as long as there is light exposure that brings ultraviolet, you need to protect your skin so you don't experience a bad risk.

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