YOGYAKARTA If you keep a cat at home, not then because they are hungry and launch aggression when they see new people. It seems that the understanding that cats do not feel jealous, hate, and protective is a bit wrong.

Cats are sensitive and very emotional. They are able to feel emotions like humans. In fact, cats can feel disturbed by the territory of them because they smell a new aroma, or new people. Cats naturally act certain ways to survive. Like when guests or new people stay at home, they will show certain behavior. Like running, evenBY, and biting if touched or approached by a new person.

Launching Catster, fear is one of the most dominant emotions governing cat behavior. Often, that's why they behave unpleasantly when trying to protect what is their right. For example, they will fight back when new people affect the scarcity of resources or enter their territory. So how to deal with keeping cats calm and being able to interact with new people without aggression? Here's how you can do it.

Whether adults, children, babies, or even new pets enter the house, introduce it slowly. Let the cat get used to new things gradually. So try not to overwhelmed the cat due to major changes. Because they only follow their instincts to protect themselves, it means slowly introduce to the anabul.

The smell of new people or new pets, for example, can trigger your cat to defend itself. Cats don't know anything new to friends or enemies. Since cats are predators and hunters, usually they will be careful. The way to introduce new people, introduce them through the aroma slowly.

Playing time is a great way to get your cat to interact with new people or pets. A toy of the type of stick that allows long-range interaction is the right way to distract cats from changes in the household and help them begin to believe in the change.

Try asking new people to be responsible for feeding your favorite cat at home. Maybe it was awkward at first, but this way the approach can be effective.

In addition to providing food, new people can get acquainted with anabul at home using strategies. Such as giving the anabul's favorite treats or camilam. That way, interactions begin to grow and are no longer afraid or aggressive.

It took time to get to the acceptance stage, and some cats took longer than others. The best thing you can expect is peaceful acceptance.

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