JAKARTA - Sexual violence has become news for print and electronic media. This reality is what Director Gina S Noer tries to bring to the big screen through a film called Like & Share. This film discusses straightforwardly about sexual violence against women, especially teenagers.

Gina in her statement stated that as a person she had a passion to see the reality that sexual violence occurred in various places. "As a mother of teenage girls, I have concerns about how to make my child grow up in a safe relationship, and free from all forms of violence," she said as written statement received by the editor.

This Like & Share film seeks to show complexity in handling sexual violence as a offense and how collectively we can be better together when choosing to side with the victim.

Co producer of the film Like&Share, Orchida Ramadhania, added that the film was released in conjunction with the 16th anniversary of the HAKTP (Day of Anti-Violence Against Women - 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence) which is celebrated globally every year from 25 NOV to 10 December.

This year Indonesia has passed the TPKS Law but the implementation and effectiveness of this law in providing protection still has to be guarded together. This film is a presentation of Indonesian films, especially female directors, so that the power of films and storytelling can open a paradigm of society to stop violence in any form; both physically, psychologically, and sexually, in cyberspace and in the real world.

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