JAKARTA - Maintaining the earth and the environment can not only be done by reducing plastic waste or processing home waste. You can also choose various environmentally friendly household furniture. Several local furniture brands have even realized the importance of presenting a wide selection of environmentally friendly products.

So what should you pay attention to when choosing environmentally friendly furniture to complete the house? Here are the tips for those of you who are trying to replace the interior design of the house with environmentally friendly furniture.

Environmentally friendly wood is a certified wood taken from the forest that is managed responsibly. That means, forest managers will replant the forest when trees are used for the manufacture of furniture. The furniture manufacturer that prioritizes eco-friendly on its products usually has the completeness of the wood logo certified by the Forestrawardship Council (FSC) on the raw materials used.

In addition, you can also choose manufacturers who use recycled wood. USED furniture that is re finished or furniture that comes from used frame wood is also environmentally friendly, because it uses existing wood without cutting down trees.

You can also choose furniture with raw materials other than wood. One of the raw materials that is environmentally friendly besides wood is bamboo which also has a distinctive appearance and is no less attractive than wood. Moreover, Indonesia is said to be the third largest bamboo country in the world after China and India. In addition, bamboo is a choice of raw materials that are environmentally friendly because it is relatively easier to grow and develop so that the regeneration of bamboo trees takes place faster than wood trees.

The furniture from used goods such as tires, drums, to containers can be your choice for eco-friendly furniture. In addition, furniture with recycled raw materials is very suitable to present industrial nuances in the room at home.

Choose furniture with environmentally friendly finishing, one of which is finishing made from water or called water based finishing. In addition to being environmentally friendly, finishing made from water is also relatively safer for the health of the occupants of the house because it contains less dangerous additional chemicals.

The knockout system on furniture is a construction on furniture products that use a freelance system or unloading tides. The perbot with this system functions to save space in your home because it is easier to fill spaces or spaces that may be difficult to reach. In addition, the knockout system is more environmentally friendly because it reduces carbon emissions that are released when bringing furniture from the store to the house.

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