JAKARTA - Jessica Iskandar is currently having trouble paying loan installments, so she is thinking about selling the house. As a friend, Ruben Onsu also knows that Jessica will sell her house because it's been three months since the installments have been in arrears.

One memory from the house Jessica will sell is the kitchen table given by Ruben Onsu. The table was given by Ruben when Jessica first moved to the house.

"But Sis Ruben remembers when I entered the house, Sis Ruben gave me a kitchen table," said Jessica Iskandar on the Brownis show recently, as reported by YouTube Trans TV.

Ruben Onsu apparently remembers his gift to Jessica. Instead of being sincere, Ruben even asked for the kitchen table gift to be returned to him, if Jessica would indeed sell her house.

"Well, that means it's not used, I'll just take it again," said Ruben Onsu jokingly.

It turned out that Ruben said that to joke about it to lighten the atmosphere of the event. This is because previously Ruben had refused Jessica's request to help him pay the house installments.

Ruben said that he had just spent a lot of money on his son's concert event, Betrand Peto some time ago. Thus, Ruben admitted that he could only help pray for Jessica Iskandar so that all her problems would be resolved soon.

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