YOGYAKARTA The cat at home may rarely protest with the vocalization of meowing sounds. But that doesn't mean any treatment or habits in your home are liked by cats. Like humans, cats are also annoyed with certain habits. Anything the cat doesn't like? Here's a list that you need to avoid treating cats.

Although it can be left for work or traveling all day, cats do not like to be neglected and are not invited to play. If dogs need to be invited to do activities to release their energy in the morning and evening, while cats seek attention from people at home.

If left alone for a long time, cats can get restless and develop feelings of anxiety and even depression. This means that when you are busy, make sure to take half an hour or one hour to spend quality time with your cat.

A box filled with sand is a cat toilet. If left dirty and not cleaned regularly, cats will not like it. Cleaning liter boxes regularly is important not only to keep cats healthy. But also maintain the cleanliness of people's homes and health in your homes. It is important to know, sand also needs to be replaced at least once every two weeks.

In addition to requiring attention and a clean environment, cats must also be ensured to get quality food. At least, you provide food that is not rotten. Well, that means always checking cat foods, from expiration date, portion given, to nutritional content.

Providing worm medicine regularly, is recommended by veterinarians, especially if cats live outside or indoors. Providing medicine, of course, is not an easy matter. Because cats don't like taking drugs. Usually, they will breath it again. This means that if necessary, they give regular medicine, minimize pressure on them. It should be noted, train cats to feel comfortable just giving medicine through their mouths. After taking the medicine, give them a gift in the form of a small snack.

If you keep a cat, you need to know which parts of the cat's body don't like to be traced. Sometimes, if they don't like to be traced or traced too aggressively, cats can cheat, bite, or bite.

Either fighting over food, space, toys, or the attention of the owner, can trigger cat jealousy. Unfortunately, in some cases of jealousy or guarding these resources can manifest themselves as aggression. For example, if the cat at home feels threatened by a stray cat, they will point their aggression at the stray cat.

Starting from lightning to loud sounds can make cats stressed. Stress due to loud noise can also cause behavioral problems, health, anxiety, hair loss, to the point that you don't like eating. To reduce exposure to risks, try limiting sounds from outside into the house. Or prepare a safe and quiet place during bad weather and avoid playing music too loud.

Those are the seven things cats don't like. If you're committed to keeping cats at home, avoid behavior or anything else that makes cats unhappy.

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