JAKARTA - Most parents feel anxious over recent cases of acute kidney failure in children. Corrections to diet for daily nutrition and consumption of drugs are also carried out. People need to understand the symptoms of acute kidney failure in children, how to prevent them from panicking.

According to data from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, as of November 4, 2022 yesterday, 325 cases have been reported, and patients are mostly dominated by ages 1 to 5 years.

Dr. Abi Noya, as Medical Content Marketing Senior Manager of Alodokter, said parents' concerns are normal. However, parents must face the issue of acute kidney failure in children wisely and calmly.

In order to avoid panic, it is better for parents to seek valid and trustworthy information, such as health content that has been reviewed and verified by a doctor

"Parents can also take advantage of telemedicine services to consult with doctors, both general practitioners and pediatricians, in order to gain further understanding of acute kidney failure in children, ranging from symptoms, possible causes, prevention, to an overview of their handling," he said when contacted Tuesday, November 15.

So far, IDAI has also explored various possible causes of acute kidney failure in children, in addition to the use of drugs containing ethylene glycol and dietilen glycol contamination. However, these drugs are not produced and are not circulating in Indonesia, and are not registered with the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (POM Agency) of the Republic of Indonesia. Therefore, further research is still needed to reveal the exact cause of acute acute kidney failure in children that is currently happening in Indonesia.

There are several symptoms of acute kidney failure conditions in children such as fever for 3-5 days, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, cough, runny nose and sleepiness and the number of urine is getting less and less, can't even urinate at all. If your little one experiences these symptoms, your father and mother can take advantage of telemedicine to consult directly with the doctor, in order to get direction and advice from the doctor. If they are deemed necessary, the doctor can also refer your little one to the nearest hospital, for examination or more intensive treatment. Early detection accompanied by fast and proper treatment will be very beneficial to prevent unwanted complications, said Dr. Abi.

Children who experience atypical progressive acute kidney failure usually need to be hospitalized. The length of treatment depends on the severity of the condition and how quickly the kidneys can recover. Treatment of acute kidney failure depends on the underlying cause. Some of the treatments that doctors may give are infusion fluids, drugs accompanied by dietary arrangements, until analyzed.

According to Dr. Abi, there are at least 3 steps that parents in Indonesia can take to remain calm in dealing with the issue of acute kidney failure in children. These steps are:

1. Perseverance parents in guiding and teaching children the importance of living a clean and healthy lifestyle, such as a balanced nutritious diet, meeting fluid needs, routine physical activities, and getting enough rest.

2. Avoid giving drugs independently outside of the recommendations and monitoring of trusted doctors.

3. Increase insight into the issue of acute kidney failure in children through reliable sources of information, such as medical articles that have been reviewed by doctors, such as those of Alodokter. Read health content from articles that are verified directly by doctors and directly chat with doctors if in doubt in understanding symptoms is important to do.

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