YOGYAKARTA - Roses are synonymous with romantic symbols and love. Mawar is a flower that is often chosen to express feelings for loved ones. Usually the most popular are red and white roses. Whereas apart from these two colors, there are still a variety of diverse rose flowers with varying colors.

The meaning of the rose has a difference in each color, be it red, white, yellow, pink, lavender, orange, and so on. So you need to know the meaning of each rose color so you don't choose the wrong one. Make sure you give the rose with the color that suits your purpose or purpose.

Here are various explanations of the meaning of the color on the rose that you can use as a guide before choosing it.

The red rose is the most popular type of rose. The redwarf is very attached as an expression of love and romance. Mawar with an exotic and strong color has the meaning of love and admiration.

However, it is better not to use red roses when you are about to or are just in a relationship. Red women are more suitable to be given to their wives or partners for the long term.

The yellow Mawar is not very popular than the red rose. Mawar with a softer color has the meaning of friendship. The yellowwar is very suitable for friends or friends to convey friendship.

White Mawar is a fairly popular type of rose. Thiswar is often chosen and easy to find even though it's not as much as a red rose. White women have the meaning of light, holy, and purity. This Mawar is suitable to be used to represent marriage or start a new relationship.

pink women have the meaning of appreciation and innocence. Thiswar is suitable to be given as an expression of appreciation for a person's achievements. In addition, this rose is also suitable as an expression of respect, it can be given to parents, close friends, and so on. Thiswar can also be used as a substitute for white rose.

The purple Mawar symbolizes passion and love. The purple glass is usually used to show the feeling of love at a certain time or momentum. But this rose is also suitable to be used as an expression of the feeling of love.

Black Mawar is indeed quite rare to find. This Mawar is usually shown in films or fictional stories. Like its color, black rose is symbolized as an expression of mystery or mystical things. In addition, black rose also symbolizes feelings of grief and death.

Blue Mawar is a unique and rare type of rose found. This Mawar has the meaning of myrterity and intrigue. Usually this rose is used as an expression of a secret admirer.

The orange Mawar is quite easy to find but rarely chosen. This pair has a pastel color with a soft impression. Orange has the meaning of warmth, hospitality, and decency. This elegant dress can be used to express admiration to awards.

A beige color Mawar has the meaning of caring, attention, and charm. This type of Mawar is also a symbol ofmpion. A cream mawar can be used to show expressions of concern without love.

That's the meaning of the various colors of the rose. Each color of the rose flower has a different meaning or symbol. So make sure you have a rose with a color that suits your purpose and meaning of giving.

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