JAKARTA - The danger of complications can arise from diabetes mellitus, both acute and chronic complications. Acute complications include hypoglycemics and hyperglycemics. Therefore, diabetics must be vigilant.

This mellitus diabetes is not just a high blood sugar content. It's precisely a dangerous thing is that if there are complications. The complications on diabetes mellitus can be very acute and can cause death and can also be chronic," said Head of Tugu Utara Village Health Center 3 Koja District, dr. Endang Sulistyani quoted from ANTARA, Monday, November 7.

Acute complications include hypoglycemics and hyperglycemics. In hypoglychemy, the blood content of sugar decreases by less than 70 mg/dL. Usually the symptoms that arise are fevery, dizziness, sweating cold, even seizures and cause death.

"In this condition (hypoglikemi) it means that the sugar content in a person's blood is very decreasing, very less than normal," said Endang.

In contrast, when the sugar levels in the blood of diabetics are more than 300 mg/dL, it is called hyperglycemic conditions. Endang said that if hyperglycemics occur for a long time, it could result in unwanted effects, repeated infections, and even decreased consciousness.

"Usually the symptoms, if the blood sugar level is more than 300 mg/dL or more, we can getQUId often, then excessive thirst, the mouth feels dry and wants to drink continuously, even if there is a decrease in consciousness," he said.

In addition to acuteness, complications can also be chronic that hit organs in the body such as heart organs associated with cardiovascular diseases, sudden heart attacks, or blockages in cardiac blood vessels,

Other organs that can occur as a result of diabetes also include the eyes associated with diseases such as catatrics and diabetic retinopathy. There are also complications on the nerves with complaints of susceptibility to numbness and can result in amputation if the legs or other parts of the body occur if the infection is not handled properly.

If a person has been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, Endang appealed not to panic and worry during control and take medication according to the doctor's advice regularly. No less important, people with diabetes must also continue to take a balanced diet while undergoing treatment.

To make it easier to remember, Endang mentioned the 3J term for food arrangements for diabetics, namely types, numbers, and schedules. This diet arrangement should be consulted with nutritionists in order to get a plan that is in accordance with their respective conditions.

Endang also reminded that people with diabetes must continue to carry out physical activities and exercise that can be adjusted to the conditions of each individual. Then also pay attention to the conditions of complications that may have occurred.

"Especially for people with diabetes, we often recommend routinely checking the legs because this leg may be part that we often ignore because it is at the ends of the body. Check the legs, every day, maybe you have to look at the legs, whether there are skin dry, is there any injuries, are there any other complaints that you feel," said Endang.

By monitoring and recommending the doctor, it is hoped that it can avoid complications in diabetics who have not been exposed to complications and are not expected to make complications even more severe for people who have experienced complications.

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