YOGYAKARTA - Snorkeling and diving are two terms of diving activity at sea. Although both dive to enjoy underwater beauty, both have differences. The most basic difference between snorkeling and diving is in water engineering and depth.

Differences in snorkeling and diving must be understood by prospective divers. That way prospective divers can have activities that match their abilities and goals. Snorkeling is the most common diving activity. Snorkeling activities are widely used as destinations in beach or sea tourist attractions. Meanwhile, diving is only available in certain or special places.

Snorkeling activities are mostly carried out compared to diving. Snorkeling can be done by anyone who is able to swim or dive at the basic level. While diving is a special diving activity that can only be done by certain people. Here are the differences in snorkeling and diving.

Snorkeling is a diving activity near the surface of water. Snorkeling divers will dive with a mask and snorkel or a breathing tube. This diver can enjoy the beauty of the sea carrying nature but only in deep waters. Or enjoy the underwater view from above without diving down.

While diving is a diving activity down to the bottom of the water depth. Diving uses aUStensive equipment. This tool is used for independent breathing assistance. Diving divers can enjoy the beauty of the underwater sea down to the bottom of the sea. This diver will explore under the sea for a long time adjusting the volume of the oxygen cylinder.

There are different techniques from snoerkeling and diving. Techniques from snorkeling and diving follow the depth of the water. Diving techniques are easier because they only dive in the upper waters.

How to dive snorkeling, namely the head and nose enter the water. While the snorkel or breathing tube comes out to the surface of the water. Divers will take their breath through snorkeling. The swimming technique in snorkeling is also similar because the diver does not experience high water pressure.

Meanwhile, diving techniques are more difficult or professional. Unlike snorkeling, diving must put the whole body in the water. Divers continue to move down in the water wearing masks, diving glasses, and nose coverings. Diving players must have qualified swimming skills or a high level. They are required to be able to adapt to the depths of the water.

Snorkeling and diving equipment is different. Equipment for diving activities is more or more complex than snorkeling. Diving requires a lot of equipment to help divers adapt to water depth. Diving equipment includes air cylinders tied to the back, diving clothes, diving masks, floating jackets, regulators for respiratory tracts, fins on the legs.

While tools or equipment for snorkeling are simpler. Snorkellingm equipment includes masks or diving glasses, snorkel or breathing apparatus, swimming fins, to special jackets.

Another difference between diving and snorkeling is the goal. Snorkeling is usually used more often for tourist or recreational purposes. Tourists can snorkeling to see underwater beauty, observe coral reefs, fish, and other marine biota that live in the groundwaters.

Meanwhile diving has a goal of not only recreation. Diving is also needed for academic or professional purposes, such as marine biota research, infiltration of underwater controction, rescue of certain objects, and so on. Meanwhile, diving for recreation is in the form of diving after the cave, diving for boat carcasses, and others.

That's the difference between snorkeling and diving that must be known before starting diving. If you just want to observe marine biota in the ground states, you just need to snorkeling. So select diving activities that fit your goals and abilities.

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