JAKARTA - The baby's skin is generally more easily irritated because it is thinner than adults. Conditions like this make the baby's skin have a high absorption power, so it is easier to intervene when localized or oil is not suitable.

The congestion in the baby's skin can be caused by the congenital of the child such as hormones, but there are also rashes that can be avoided such as sweats and diapers rashes. Pediatrician Citra Amelinda describes skin irritation types that are often experienced by young children and how they are handled.

Characteristics are a spherically symmetric red rash on the cheek that feels itchy and a bit scaly rough. Generally atopic dermatitis appears when the child is 2-3 months old. This irrigation can arise due to allergic riyawat, or because there is an atopic dermatitis history in the family.

"Don't worry, as you get older, your child's skin gets stronger so it's not too vulnerable," said Citra, as quoted by ANTARA.

Children go to dermatologists to get allergies. Wet sweat seeds occur due to the buildup of dead skin cells that clog sweat glands. This often happens in children aged a month who have not been able to move much.

Wet seeds can occur in the first six months after the child is born. Children in Indonesia are prone to experience this because they live in a tropical country with high humidity. Wet seeds are found in areas of skin folding such as the neck, armpits, back and parts of the skin covered with clothes.

How to prevent it? Prevent it so that the baby doesn't get too hot too often. It's better not to use an inscription so that the child's pores are not covered.

This is acne that appears in the baby when it is just born, generally in the first 30 days of life, then it will disappear on its own. Usually this acne appears on the forehead, nose and cheek. Neonal acne appears due to excessive androhene hormones. Without being treated, this will heal on its own.

White and yellow spots on the baby's face. Generally appear on the nose, but it can also spread to other parts. 40-50 percent of babies experience it, but milia will recover over time.

This is the irritation that parents can anticipate the most. Spinpockets are all skin complaints in the diapers area. The diapers section is clearly visible at the age of 2-4 weeks, then slowly disappears. Irritations called contact dermatitis generally heal on their own within three days, except for being infected with bacteria or fungi. The diapers column is caused by the skin area around the wet diapers, so the skin "fort" is easily irritated and infected in 48-72 hours.

In the form of spots measuring 2-3 cm on the face, but this is not a panu. This is often found in children over the age of three caused by sunlight or allergies. When the child is bigger, these white spots will disappear.

This is the crust in the baby's head due to the production of excessive oil glands on the head, keeping dead skin cells attached. The shape is similar to ketombe, but hard, thick scaly and stuck to the head. This stiffness will heal itself when the baby is 6-12 months old.

How to overcome this, gently massage your head with coconut oil so that the scales turn smooth and can be removed, then shampoo.

Blue lines such as fish nets all over the baby's body. This is clearly visible at 2-4 weeks old and slowly disappears. Usually this is often found in premature babies because the skin is very thin.

It can be caused by food, dust, and weather allergies. Kaligata has irregular characteristics of bentol and itching in the body. Foods that can cause biduk can include cow's milk, soybeans, eggs, seafood, fish, wheat and beans. If there are family members who often experience it, there is a possibility that the law can occur in children.

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