JAKARTA - Millie Bobby Brown is back in action through the film Enola Holmes 2. The film, directed by Harry Bradbeer, continues Enola's journey, who wants to prove himself to be a reliable detective. His first film released in 2020 received a positive response from his audience. Enola Holmes is one of the most watched films on Netflix. The character Enola Holmes, played by Brown, was also successfully discussed by the public. Enola's figure who grew up was very close to many audiences, especially teenagers. “ It's an honor for me to play a character who can inspire young women,” Millie Bobby Brown replied to VOI in the interview session some time ago. As a producer, he also felt that there was progress from the character Enola Holmes in the sequel. Millie Bobby Brown admits that Enola Holmes' character is one of the best times. “ I think Enola is a blatant figure and I am too. He also used a lot of jokes to cover himself up for what I did too, "he explained. “ And for me playing that character is an honor. This is the most exciting time for me to play Enola, ” said Millie Bobby Brown. Enola Holmes 2 continues Enola Holmes' journey as a detective. This time he opened his own agency but at that time, female detectives were not trusted by the public. Until one day, a woman asked Enola for help and she was ready to help her first case. Enola Holmes 2 will release on Netflix on November 4.

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