JAKARTA - Soaping tea is not only useful for quenching your thirst, but can shed light on the mood. Ratna Somantri's tea expert explained the type of tea that can be enjoyed according to the mood and trending activity.

In the morning, Ratna recommends green tea which is believed to have strong properties to lower bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the body. In addition, green tea also contains antioxidants such as flavonoids and polyphenols that increase immunity.

"So it's ready to move, the mind is also clearer," Ratna said at an event as reported by ANTARA. Based on research, green tea is also good for drinking on the sidelines of eating to maximize nutritional intake and iron absorption.

After busy working, body stamina usually decreases in the evening. When that happens, Ratna recommends sipping more thick tea like black tea. For drinks after eating, try enjoying jasmine tea or minolong tea so that the mouth feels fresh.

Meanwhile, if the condition of the body begins to decline amidst people affected by the flu, try mixing ginger and cinnamon in your tea.

"The attack can warm the body," said Ratna.

Tea was once known as a medicinal ingredient in Zhou's dynasty, which was 1115 BC. The tea drink was developed in China, then studied by a Japanese priest who brought the tradition to Sakura Country. From China, tea has spread to many places, including Indonesia, which now has 50 kinds of teas.

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