YOGYAKARTA High humidity, it is necessary to watch out for people with asthma. Because of the recurrence of asthma can be influenced by moist air. At uncertain temperatures, asthma symptoms such as coughing, mengi, shortness of breath, and chest shortness of breath need to be addressed immediately. If possible, it can be prevented by avoiding the trigger.

The ideal air quality is on a scale of 0-500. The higher the scale, the worse the air quality, reported by Medical News Today, Tuesday, October 18. Bad air quality occurs in damp and hot days. When your environment is on a poor scale, it is recommended to stay indoors so that asthma can be prevented.

The humidity level of 30-50 percent is classified as safe for people with asthma. The lower it is, the growth of mold, dust mites, and fragrances that trigger asthma is also getting less and less. Please note, bad air is not only outdoors. Therefore, it is better to maintain indoor moisture. For example, with the help of tools such as uhumidifier. The humidity of the indoor air can be reduced by opening the bathroom window when bathing, turning on air conditioning, and repairing leaking water pipes.

The rise of asthma in some people can be experienced when the temperature is very cold or hot. Because asthma is a disease that irritates the respiratory tract, it is necessary to understand when the trigger will recur and it is safe to do activities. For people with asthma, some air conditions need to be watched out for, as follows:

When you recognize when the temperature and air conditions that can trigger asthma recur, it is necessary to anticipate. Increased humidity can irritate airways and humidity also increase other triggers from recurrences of asthma, such asASy and pollution.

A study tested the respiratory tract resistance and its relation to damp weather. Tests were carried out with 6 people with asthma and 6 people without asthma. When exposed to hot and humid air, or about 49 degrees Celsius and humidity 75-80 percent for 4 minutes.

Research participants with asthma experienced an increase in respiratory tract resistance by 112 percent compared to healthy groups which only experienced an increase in respiratory tract resistance by 22 percent. When the air is hot and moist, fiber C, which is the sensory nerve fiber in the airways, can narrow and cough. This makes it difficult for a person to breathe.

When the air is out of control and can trigger recurrence of asthma, always bringā–dokter to treat. For prevention, always check air quality. If the quality is bad, stay indoors with ideal air quality.

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