Tokek is a jasmine animal that is easy to find at home. Actually, it looks like a cicak but bigger, it doesn't attack humans. However, the presence of the Tokek quite disturbs some people. There are some tips or ways to catch tokens that can be done.

Tokens are hunted or caught because they are quite disturbing and have a terrible form. Tokens have a voice that contains and is loud, which usually sounds at night. The Tokek body has a color totol, scaly skin, and large eyes. This home reptile usually lives in a dark and humid place, such as behind a cupboard, home warehouse, trees, and the like.

There are some people who catch TOkes to resell. A study shows that Tokek meat can be consumed as food because it contains various health benefits. It is said that Tokek meat can overcome various diseases such as cancer, asthma, skin allergies, gout acid. Even the TOkek has a fairly high selling price.

Catching Tokeks for beginners is happy easy. These animals have strong strength to run and fear from threatening dangers. In addition, the movement is also very fast. But calm down, you can practice the following steps to catch the tokens.

The first way to catch a Tokek is to use a trap or trap. You can make a trap by utilizing objects at home. For example using a bucket. But this method is more suitable to catch the TOkes outside the house.

First, dig a hole in the ground 30 cm deep. Before the bucket gets wet into the hole, every time it is given a wet sponge. Then put it in the hole. Cover the top of the bucket using a smooth net or net that is wide, wet the diameter of the bucket. After that, put the bait so that it gets caught in your trap.

Using Garam Water

You can also catch the TOkek using salt. The way to do it is quite easy, first solve the garam in a glass filled with water. After that, the salt water is sprayed into the body or face of the Tokek. Salt water will make the TOkek weak and fall off the wall.

Another way to catch a TOkek is to use bamboo. First, you need to prepare a bamboo with a diameter of about 10 cm. The lobby of each segment barrier is as a road for the TOkek. Then one side of the bamboo is covered using plywood or cardboard. The side that is left open. You just need to put the bamboo in places that are usually passed by the TOkek.

Not many know that tobacco can be used as a tool to catch the Tokes. Tokens do not like the aroma of tobacco because it can make the Tokes drunk or dizzy.

How to catch a Tokek using tobacco is quite easy. First, cremate tobacco to form seeds. These memories are then placed in a place passed by the TOkek. You can unite these places to see the tokens that are weak and can be caught immediately.

Those are some ways to catch the tokens you usually do. Apart from using some of the objects above, you can also catch these animals using rat glue or jackfruit sap.

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