YOGYAKARTA - Did you know that the 15 bans during CFD in Jakarta during the Motor Vehicle Free Day (Car Free Day/CFD) are divided into three zones at the provincial level from the Horse Statue to the Youth Statue to maintain the comfort and order of visitors.

"According to the results of the evaluation of the work team and the input of the community who are active," said Head of the DKI Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, in Jakarta, Monday.

A total of 15 of the prohibitions were written in the decision of the Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Transportation Service number e-0077 of 2022 regarding Technical Instructions for the Implementation of Motor Vehicle Free Day (HBKB).

The three zones are the Red Zone (without a trader) from Sarinah to the Sudirman Statue.

The Yellow Zone (traders can only be on the sidewalk) from the Horse Statue to Sarinah and the Sudirman Statue to the Youth Statue.

The green zone (traders are allowed to sell) outside the HBKB corridor, namely Jalan Sunda, Jalan Kebon Kacang, Jalan Teluk Betung, Jalan Pamekasan, Jalan Sumenep, Jalan Purworejo, Jalan Blora, Jalan Galunggung and Jalan Karet Pasar Baru Timur III.

For people who want to hold activities in the HBKB area to register online through hbkb.jakarta.go.id.

For street vendors who want to sell in the HBKB area register via a bit.ly link/Registration of PKLHBKB2022.

Motor Vehicle Free Day is valid every Sunday starting at 06.00-10.00 WIB.

If they see a violation, they must leave the HBKB area to forced efforts from officers to expel them from the HBKB area.

So those are 15 bans during the CFD in Jakarta, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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