YOGYAKARTA "Have you ever tried it out because you were tired? If so, you don't have to worry. The reason is, being tired due to body fatigue is normal.

Please note, the interior of the nose is covered by mucoce, which is a thin layer that coats the entire interior of the anatomy of the nose. Well, mucosa has small, fragile blood vessels. When the body is in a state of fatigue, the blood vessels in the nose become easily ruptured. If so, automatically, the nose will blood out. This condition is referred to as anterior kiosk.

The case of anterior maintenance is very likely, considering that the blood vessels on the front of the nose are very easily damaged or torn, causing bleeding. Blood usually comes from the nose septum which is a thin wall between the two sides of the nose.

Meanwhile, the other type of fire is the posterior rope. This case is rarer, but tends to be more serious.

Mimisan posterior occurs on the inside of the nose near the throat. In the case of posterior bleeding, bleeding comes from higher arteries and deeper in the nose, quoted by VOI from Halodoc.

Blood flowing from torn blood vessels is very likely to descend behind the throat or exit through the nostrils.

The Cause of Mimisan

Actually, danger is caused by various factors. However, the most common is the dry air and the habit of prying the nose. In addition to these two causes, fire can also occur due to fatigue. So, how do you deal with fatigue?

How To Overcome Mimisan Due To Fatigue

When a person is exhausted, the blood vessels in the nose are weak, easily tense, then eventually break. As a result, danger occurs.

Even so, you don't need to worry, because it's not a serious health problem. You can handle it by doing your own treatment at home.

Here are the steps you can take to deal with:

How To Prevent Mimisan Due To Fatigue

So that events due to fatigue do not happen again, you are advised to adopt the following healthy lifestyle:

That's the information about you because you're tired. Hopefully it will be useful!

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