JAKARTA - Combing in bed is a common problem for children. However, this will be embarrassing as children get older. Postponing the age of five, most children can control their bladder and can take care of it during sleep at night without medication. However, almost 14 percent of children are still doing it even when they are more than five years old. In addition, 1-5 percent is still working on it until the age of 10 years.

Dr. Charles Kwon, MD, reported by Cleveland Clinic, Wednesday, October 5, saying that there are several reasons why children still often reply.

"The basic problem is usually an immature bladder," says Dr. Kwon.

While other possibilities include hormonal imbalances, constipation, or more serious problems such as stress disorders and anxiety, a history of parents who also treated them as children, or suffered ADHD disorders.

To overcome children's habit of caring for, doctors advise parents to do the following:

To prevent children from being hurt, parents should change their children's drinking times. You can increase your intake of fluids in the morning and reduce it at night. Don't give your child a drink after dinner.

Make your child have a regular urination schedule. Try to ask your child to the bathroom every two to three hours and right before bed.

Sometimes, children's habits can make their confidence decrease. Especially if your child is already entering school age where usually his friends no longer trust. So that his confidence increases, makes the child feel happy every time he makes progress. This shows you appreciate every process he does.

Start by limiting the consumption of chocolate milk to children. And if this doesn't work, keep your child away from citrus juice drinks, artificial flavors, artificial foods, and sweeteners. Many parents do not realize that all of this can cause bladder infections in children.

Since the rectum or part of the large intestine is right behind the bladder, constipation issues can appear as a bladder problem, especially at night. It affects about a third of children who care. Although it is impossible for children to identify or share information about constipation.

Building children at random at night just to get him to urinate is not the answer to stop the habits of children. This will only cause children to have trouble sleeping and feel stressed.

Increasing good sleep habits can help their minds slow down so they can sleep better.

Anger at your child does not help end your child's habits. There is no need for conflict or violence to stop a child from caring. You just need patience and consistency to teach your child to stop trying.

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