YOGYAKARTA Miss V or vagina has a distinctive aroma. But there is a scent to watch out for because it relates to reproductive health including infection. According to clinical prefessors in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproduction Sciences at the Faculty of Medicine, Yale University, Mary Jane Minkin, MD., there is a normal range in terms of vaginal odor.

Minkin memberikan catatan, kalau musal vagina amis atau seperti bread, artinya perlu diwaspadai. Secara lebih bencana, berikut penjelasan mengenai aroma miss v yang dapat dikatakan tidak normal.

If the aroma of miss V smells like rotten food, maybe because the sanitary napkins are left unreplaced immediately. Alyssa Dweck, MD., an ob-gyn in Westchester County, New York, a combination of menstrual blood and attached vaginal fluid can create a odor that doesn't taste.

Dweck recommends changing the sanitary napkin at least once every 4 hours. If you've been doing it regularly, but the scent is not gone, Minkin recommends checking with an obstetrician.

The aggressive smell of miss V indicates the presence of bacteria. Maybe vaginosis bacteria or BV, Minkin said. The bacteria of vaginosis are caused by imbalances in good and bad bacteria in the vagina. In addition, it is indicated with the family of a gray white liquid, a burning sensation when urinating, and itching around the vagina.

If followed by a greenish or yellowish liquid as well as pain when urinating, it may experience trikomonization or IMS. However, if you experience it, there is no need for stress. You simply need to meet a gynecologist and get a recommendation based on a medical basis.

If the miss V smells like bread, or smells of yeast, it may have a fungal infection. Other signs, followed by the release of a thick yellow liquid, itching in the vagina and vulva.

yeast infections, usually occur when lubricant, spermicide, use of antibiotics, or even pregnancy. Because the vaginal environment is very moist, the yeast will develop well in that place. When exercising and sweating also affects the growth of yeast.

This problem is not a big thing. Just check with your doctor and most will recover with an anti-fungal drug according to the prescription given.

The unpleasant smell in the vagina and accompanied by fever, as well as lower abdomen pain, may be experienced by someone with pelvic inflammation. This disease is usually caused by bad bacteria from IMS, including gonorrhea and clemia from the vagina to the uterus and other reproductive organs. To overcome this, doctors will give antibiotics. It is important to immediately treat it, because if it can't cause chronic lullage and pelvic pain.

The smell at first glance is like a metallic, marking unhealthy, says doctor Jennifer Wider, MD., a female health expert. This is because the area around the vagina is lower in base or pH. So gel is needed to treat the scent. Gels to treat, usually balance pH or to make the vagina more acidic and ensure bacteria do not grow.

Healthy miss V scent varies. It's based on how much you sweat. If the vagina smells musky, says Wider, there's no need to worry. Because around the vaginal opening or vulva has a sweat gland that creates moisture. This can cause the odor to be stronger.

How is the aroma of musky? This scent is defined as a strong and sensual aroma. Although it is difficult to explain definitively, if the vaginal scent is normal and is not followed by any symptoms, it only needs to maintain a daily routine. For example maintaining a pH balance and reducing excess sweat.

Many people believe that consumption of oranges, pineapples, and Balinese actually affects the aroma of the vagina. He said, the aroma became sweeter. But unfortunately there has been no research that can prove this claim, said doctor Wider.

The pungent aroma of miss V is also believed to be because of consuming certain foods. Like shallots and garlic, which turns out to make miss V smell like it. That's because the aroma of food is emitted by sweat glands throughout the body, including vulva. Obviously Dweck, the smell of urine is also influenced by what is eaten.

The vagina's scent, like one solution to milk, or cheese, may be less common. But some people complain of odors like cheese coming from their groin. According to Jackie Walters, MD, a Atlanta-based ob-gyn, could be due to infection, a combination of fungal infections and lubricants, or tirkomoniasis interacting with condoms.

To find out why miss V smells bad, Walters recommends checking with gynecologists.

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