YOGYAKARTA Through his behavior, the cat symbol likes us and trusts the people closest to him. Anabul cat expresses a relaxed state by snoring, sometimes by snoring. A close relationship with the owner, has similarities with the cat's relationship with his mother.

The cat expresss annoyance to strangers with runny nose, curls its back, lifts its fur,wars, and shows off itstens. Launching Psychology Today, Sunday, October 2, there is no definite record of when stray cats began to be tamed. At least known since 5,000 years ago or maybe twice as long. Once it began to be tamed, its behavior changed according to its proximity to human activities.

Although it still has a carnivorous gene, cats can coexist with humans. When compared to dogs, cats can live more independently. They, cats, are predators who do not depend on humans in terms of food because they still like to hunt. But on the one hand, those who live domestically depend heavily on humans.

Despite the occasional wild behavior, cats are attracted to humans and develop strong attachments. Domestic cats are more expressive to communicate with people. Unlike the wild behavior that tends to run away or win when approached.

With'meong' cats often express their hunger. In addition to serving as social greetings, this voice is used by wild kittens to express hunger at its mother. Many cats develop close ties with their owners who have similarities with their relationship with their mothers.

Cats don't have a territorial response like dogs. They tend to pull away from foreigners. While dogs, generally respond by approaching strangers and showing affection. However, the territorial nature of dogs is more aggressive if the area of power is disturbed.

The cat also has a response to territory. But they expressed their disapproval with badminton, curled their backs, lifted their hairs,and showed off their bite. This is a sign of aggression. It's different when you're near people they trust. In a relaxed state, the cat brushes its eyes slowly and snoring.

Domestic cats spend more time sleeping. He spends almost 18 hours a day sleeping or saving energy. This is behavior that majorities have carnivorous animals. They will be active in the morning and at night.

Some cats interact with the people stroking them. Others come out to search for prey. Their predatory activity is often used for various industries, mainly in charge of expelling rats to warehouse guards.

About eating is also varied. There are cats who are independent, hunt food they eat. But for domestic cats, some are too picky about food. Sometimes they are fussy because they don't want cold food. There are also those who eat social and prefer to eat with their owners or other cats.

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