YOGYAKARTA Have you ever felt very nervous, anxious and afraid to speak in front of many audiences? If so, you could have gessophobia. This type of phobia can be experienced by anyone. Although not dangerous, you must know how to deal with Glossophobia.

Before knowing how to deal with glossophobia, first understand what glusophobia is, the causes and symptoms.

Glossophobia is a type of social phobia. It is estimated that 75 percent of people around the world suffer from glusophobia, compiled by VOI from various sources, Thursday, September 29, 2022.

This phobia does not include harmful mental health disorders. However, glusophobia still needs to be addressed and managed properly so as not to interfere with the lives and careers of the sufferer.

Causes of Glossophobia

The exact cause of glossophobia is not yet known. However, one could be more at risk of having this phobia, if he had experienced a traumatic event in the past, for example, having been humiliated or judged when speaking in front of many people.

Fear and anxiety experienced by people with gessophobia arises because there is a natural response from the body due to feeling threatened when having to speak in public. The brain then responds by releasing stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, which can increase blood and heart rate.

Symptoms of Glossophobia

A glossophobia sufferer will feel the following symptoms when he wants to or is talking in front of many audiences:

Symptoms that arise make it difficult for people with glussophobia to talk, stutter or seem stuttering. In fact, they can talk smoothly with other people privately.

How to Overcome Glossophobia

To overcome anxiety when speaking in public, you need to prepare yourself well so that you can feel less nervous.

For example, preparing the material to be delivered before the presentation or speech. Then, take the time to practice in front of the mirror so as not to stutter when giving a speech.

If this method has been done, but Glossophobia is not handled properly or even worse, you are advised to visit a psychologist or psychiatrist. They will provide treatment in the form of:

The use of antidepressant drugs is very rare in people with gessophobia. However, if you experience other mental disorders, such as depression or severe anxiety disorders every time you have to speak in public, the doctor will given you a sedative.

Psychotherapy is quite effective in overcoming Glossophobia. When you meet a psychologist, you will be guided to find the root cause or source of anxiety and fear, so you no longer feel scared and anxious when speaking in public.

Psychological guidance performed by psychologists will make you calmer. Psychologists will ask you to apply relaxation techniques before speaking in front of many audiences.

Fear and anxiety when speaking in front of many people or glassophobia needs to be overcome so that you can be more confident and have the opportunity to have a better career, especially if you are always dealing with many people due to work.

That's how to deal with glossophobia. Hopefully it will be useful.

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