YOGYAKARTA - The lower abdomen pain is a health problem that people often experience. A problematic stomach makes daily activities uncomfortable. There are many causes a person to experience lower abdomen problems, and cause different symptoms.

You can do the first pain in the lower abdomen either going to the doctor or from the house. To treat stomach pain, you must know the cause. Some experience mild or harmless stomach pain. However, there are also serious stomach problems and life-threatening problems.

The lower stomach pain has different symptoms that you can recognize. You also need to do the first aid as soon as possible so it doesn't get worse that it endangers your health and interferes with your activities.

treatment for stomach pain depends on the cause or type of pain. Light stomach problems can generally be cured more easily. Light stomach pain due to gas trapped in the digestive system.

Meanwhile, serious stomach pain needs special treatment. Stomach pain with severe conditions also requires treatment and special care. Here are how much treatment lower abdomen pain is.

The treatment of the lower abdomen that you can do at home without the need for a doctor. You can try a heating pillow to relieve stomach pain.

In addition, you can also overcome stomach pain due to gas by consuming chamomile or peppermint tea. Be sure to drink as much water as possible, but don't allow bloating or excessive.

Here are other care tips that you can do to reduce the possibility of stomach pain.

However, if your stomach pain doesn't heal for a long time, you need to go to a doctor for further treatment.

Please go to the doctor if you experience the following conditions.

That's treatment or first aid of lower abdomen pain. You can do the right help by knowing the cause. You can do treatment from home or go to a doctor if necessary.

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