YOGYAKARTA When deterrence occurs, you can try a natural hairbuber. The selection of organic ingredients is highly recommended due to its effectiveness factors and minimal risk. However, you must know how to process and use the rules so that hair can grow more optimally.

Not all natural ingredients can work optimally to grow your hair. The following is a list of natural hair-bubbing ingredients taken from various sources.

Did you know that kemiri contains acid, fat, and vitamin B which are useful for hair judging? This content makes many hair vitamins use kemiri as the basic ingredient.

How to process candlenuts for hair sprinklers is very easy, just take your candlenut oil by burning it. You can also buy candlenut oil which is now widely sold at pharmacies.

Meanwhile, the way it uses is to make candlenut oil a hair mask or a natural creambath ingredient.

Hair is increasingly nutritious after you use coconut oil as a fertilizer. This is because it contains vitamins E and K, as well as anti-extreme, antimicrobial, and antibacterial oil properties.

There is no need to process coconut oil to fertilize hair because it does not require further processing.

The way to use coconut oil is to apply it to the head area. A smooth massage of the head so that oil can absorb into the hair and scalp.

Not only used to moisturize food, celery is also useful for fertilizing hair. This is because the protein, mineral, calcium, fat, substances, iron, vitamins A, B, and C ingredients help hair to be healthier.

The way to process celery to nourish the hair is to stretch the celery to make it a little smoother.

How to use celery for hair care is to melt celery that has been smooth to the head and hair. Do massage so that celery can reach the scalp.

You can fertilize your hair with the help of chicken eggs. This is because the protein content and essential amino acids in the eggs will help treat your hair well.

How to process chicken eggs for hair masks is also very simple, you don't need to mix them with other substances, just break the egg shell.

How to use chicken eggs to treat hair is to apply eggs to hair and scalp. You can use brushes or hands. After that rinse with shampoo to make the smell of disappearances.

The content of protein, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, and various vitamins in honey will help hair grow naturally healthy and more fertile.

How to process honey to nourish hair is also very easy, namely by screening honey first so that it is clean and smoother.

For how to use honey as a hair care, you can export it directly. If you can't stand it by sticking it together, you can mix it with a little water to make it more runny.

Not only used as a diet menu, bananas can also be a good food for hair because of the nutritional content of potassium, vit. C, vit. A, and vit. E which is very good for the health and fertility of the hair.

How to process simple Sangay bananas, namely by blending bananas to smooth. You can add a little water to make it runny. You can also combine it with candlenut oil or celery.

The way to use bananas to fertilize hair is to use it for creambath.

Those are some natural hair sprinklers that you can try. To get other interesting information, visit VOI.ID.

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