JAKARTA - EXO's DO returns to acting through a Korean drama titled Bad Prosecutor. KBS2 released a new teaser showing the side of the craze of a prosecutor played by DO.

DO plays Jin Jung, an disrespectful prosecutor. He has his own way of seeking justice in his cases.

The 30-second teaser shows Jin Jung who often fights with his enemies. It brought Shin Ah Ra (Lee Se Hee) to feel annoyed that Jin Jung was causing trouble.

How can thugs like you become prosecutors?! said Shin Ah Ra.

Ah, is this a special thing? Of course it's all about expertise and destiny, Jin Jung replied casually.

This teaser ends with Jin Jung saying, I don't treat bad people like humans. Let's catch bad people!

Bad Prosecutor is a drama that the audience has been waiting for, especially EXO fans. Because this drama is the return of DO after completing military service in January 2021.

Meanwhile, Lee Se Hee became popular after acting through Young Lady and Gentleman last year.

The drama Bad Prosecutor on October 5 at KBS2.

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