YOGYAKARTA There are so many recommendations to maintain mental health, one of which is by living a healthy lifestyle. More specifically, health is closely related to happiness. There are four explanations regarding the relationship between the two.

According to Thomas Rutlegde's review, Ph.D., professor at the Department of Psychiatry, University of California San Diego, there is no definite goal in life, in addition to getting happiness. There may be diversity in ways from so many recommendations to get happiness. Such as from Greek choreography such as runny, holy writings, to self-help books, implied and written that happiness is a goal that never stops being chased and we always want it.

Due to the uniformity of the vision, it means that there are key things that unite the way to get happiness. The key is the quality of physical health.

Physical health affects energy, vitality, motivation, and resilience. While few argue that it is possible to experience happiness despite illness. That is, with physical health people will enjoy aspects of their lives without experiencing anything difficult, such as fighting disease.

Feelings of happiness can go up and down. These feelings change over time in line with the events experienced. For example, small events, such as changes in the weather that interfere with your plans to travel, can also change feelings from happiness to a little disappointed. This shows that drop physical health can also affect the ability to move to overcome the situation.

A study showed only 2.7 American adults who are currently physically healthy. The indicator is checked through double energy X-ray scans. They do not smoke, exercise regularly, eat nutritious food, and maintain recommended body fat levels. Since the 1990s, based on data from The World Happiness Report recorded a decrease in the level of happiness. Directly the two variables above indicate that health can also be an indicator of happiness.

Research on metabolism and neuroscience is associated with behavior, showing that physical health regulates emotional well-being. In the research report table reported by Psychology Today, Sunday, September 18, the habit of lifestyle and biology that underlies it form a symbiotic relationship. The symbiosis relationship is the basis of physical and mental health. Ruthledge concludes, physical and mental health is two sides of the coin. Behavior and physiological processes are an inseparable component of the repetitive cycle of life.

From a long time ago, happiness was known as an inner game. When science explores knowledge about the human body, and connects the mind, body, and soul, it is necessary to understand that healthy habits can increase the potential of happiness.

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