JAKARTA - Jason Momoa is synonymous with his long hair that is braided. He also let his thick beard lengthen when he played Aquaman.

Recently, surprisingly the actor cut his hair. This can be seen in the latest video he uploaded on social media.

Jason Momoa showed the haircut process. On that occasion, he also campaigned to reduce the use of plastic and cares about the environment.

"Hello everyone. I'm cutting my hair on the left and right. Wow... I've never felt the wind here," Jason Momoa laughed at his hairstyle.

He also explained that this haircut is one way for people to stop using single-use plastic. He even showed his hair braids that had been cut.

"We have to stop using it. It just ends up on the ground, at our sea," said Jason Momoa.

It is known that Jason Momoa is in Hawaii. He also said the conditions on the beach also looked sad with the amount of garbage scattered.

The post received a surprising comment from Jason Momoa's colleagues. This is not the first time, but Jason Momoa's action received positive appreciation.

"What?!! Very committed," wrote actor Dave Bautista.

But it looks cute like the Baywatch era!? Kelly added.

"My friends are always with good messages," added Aleks Paunovic.

Jason Momoa also said goodbye to several of his characters such as Khal Drogo and Aquaman. The two characters are identical to long hair and thick beards.

Goodbye Drogo, Aquaman, Declan, Baba! I will shave this beard to make changes," he said.

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