YOGYAKARTA In a committed relationship, whether dating or marriage, it requires maintenance to be lasting and happy. As creatures that naturally communicate with each other, there are a number of tips in maintaining relationships. Together with your partner, you can make expert recommendations below.

Like a building, relationships also need a foundation to keep standing solidly with the roof. Unfounded relationships, may be easier to destroy. So what is the foundation? According to Gleb Tsipursky, Ph.D., truth and honesty are the main foundation for romantic relationships.

One of the biggest dangers in a romantic relationship is to think that your partner understands all your feelings. Everyone has differences, both thoughts and perspectives, for that it is necessary to accept each other without assuming your partner should understand and understand. So, discuss each difference, communicate thoughts, and express feelings in a healthy manner.

Every culture has a different way of communicating between individuals. Sometimes, it takes subtle words to speak honestly. Not infrequently to communicate feelings of need to be open and as they are. By following an authentic attitude, this can build trust between partners.

Two people who are committed to a partner need to have emotional adjustments. When you communicate with your partner, it is necessary to both understand each other's emotions behind the words of your partner. At first it may not be easy, but try to pay attention to your voice, body language, what you don't say, and the content of the word. With emotional adjustments, your partner can understand each other and lead to a lasting happy relationship.

The key aspect of showing trust is allowing each other to set boundaries and allow privacy. To ensure a happy and sustainable relationship, it is important to give each other space, reported by Psychology Today, Sunday, September 4.

Conflict on the one hand is a healthy thing for relationships. Small fights, can make each other in pairs get to know each other and understand each other. Well, identify healthy conflict resolution techniques and discuss them with your partner.

Everyone has perceptions, preferences, and maybe prejudice. Without openness and honesty, both partners can feel uncomfortable with these three things.

Your ideas, careers, goals, and direction of life are as important as your partner. Explain these things to your partner so that you both have accurate ideas about what you are facing. Be honest and open about your needs and desires. Encourage your partner to do the same. Otherwise, pose a risk of hatred and frustration, thus damaging the prospect of a happy and lasting relationship.

Those are the seven tips for maintaining a romantic and lasting relationship. In addition, compromise in every aspect of the relationship is also important. Most importantly, understanding and respecting each other will make the relationship healthy.

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