Setting In Singapore, Syahrini Answeres For Not Returning To The Entertainment World
Reino Barack - Syahrini (Instagram @princessyahrini)

JAKARTA - Long time no see, Syahrini with her husband, Reino Barack is living in Singapore. He also no longer released songs and focused on his marriage.

He denied that he had retired from the entertainment world. He said he is currently enjoying as a wife.

"There is no retirement, right. Servants this time ah. Should I answer? Now I'm a wife, so I have to do the permission of my husband," Syahrini said, launching Nitnot.

If it's just an advertisement, it's allowed, but if you sing, there's no permit yet. I'm also just getting married so I'm getting married first. I don't want to be vacuumed yet," explained Syahrini.

The singer also said that he returned to Jakarta for work. Moreover, to interact with everyone, it can be done through social media.

"If you go back to Jakarta, it's just for advertising and projects. Join your husband for a few days and keep coming back," said Syahrini.

Previously, Syahrini had circulated through a baby tube program. When asked, Syahrini did not explain or refute the news. He also asked for prayers from the public for his domestic life.

"I can't answer yet. Later when I get really there, I'll share it with you again," he answered briefly.

"Pray yes," said Syahrini ending the conversation.

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