YOGYAKARTA Hause after drinking or eating sweet foods, it turns out to be related to blood sugar levels in the body. Many people do not realize, especially usually desserts or desserts are often served at the end of the meal and the majority taste sweet.

When you eat sweet foods or drinks, according to Caroline Avovian, MD., professors in the Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Boston University, not only involve the mouth but also enter the bloodstream. After food or sweet drinks become particles, enter the blood with the aim of restoring the balance in the blood. When cells lose water, they send signals to the brain indicating that they need more water. The effect, wanting to drink more.

"The chain of this incident happened quite quickly," said doctor Adavian as quoted by Health, Friday, September 2.

The process is, when glucose is absorbed by the intestines then enters the bloodstream. After eating sweet, five or ten minutes later you will feel thirsty. Can the spike in blood sugar after eating or drinking sugary drinks be prevented?

The best way to cure thirst due to sugar is to drink a glass of water. Although you may want sweeter drinks, such as icewarm, juice, or brown ice. But closing your thirst because eating sweet foods with sugary drinks will not be useful in preventing a spike in blood sugar. Instead, you will be more thirsty and signals from the brain will continue to be sent to drink more. Well, empty calories of the sugar need to be cut off or reduced. If you eat sweet foods, choose to drink mineral water to release your thirst.

It's different when you're thirsty because you're eating sweet or not. Maybe this is a different cause, as explained in 2021 research and published in the Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology. This study notes that chewing food can reduce gastrointestinal and saliva secretions. So that thirst increases after eating.

It is important to know that excessive thirst in medical terms is called polydipsia. This is a symptom of type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes. Certain drugs can also trigger severe thirst. Another disease with symptoms of thirst, is dehydration, heart failure, or kidney.

To identify the trigger for thirst, it is simplest to identify the origin of your thirst. If you are thirsty for no reason or the symptoms cannot be explained and the volume of urinating 5 liters every day, it is advisable to see a doctor.

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