YOGYAKARTA – The behavior of cats, apart from being adorable, also often makes them wonder. Like when you see an empty wall or a dark house which is often mistaken for a ghost. Though this is a cat's ability related to the sense of hearing, sight, and cognitive abilities.

1. Cats are predatory animals

There are various reasons why cats may suddenly become obsessed with the color of the walls in your home. He stared so hard that he couldn't blink his eyes. Some people might think this is a cat's ability to catch spirits. But logically, cats are predators that are sensitive to their prey.

2. Cats have a sharp sense of sight

Cat's eyes have lots of rods and can see well in low light. In fact, a cat's eyesight can see even the smallest things. For example, insects or their shadows on the wall. When compared to human vision, cats have much wider peripheral vision.

alasan kucing suka menatap dinding kosong
Illustration of why cats like to stare at blank walls (Unsplash/Paul Hanaoka)
3. Cats have episodic memories

Episodic memory is a special type of long-term memory that allows cats to remember certain events, situations and experiences. That is, the anabul can remember the reflection of the sun dancing on certain parts of the walls in the house. So if cats are staring at the same wall at the same time, they may be waiting for their favorite game.

4. Cat's hearing is very sensitive

Cat's sense of hearing is extraordinary, reported The Spruce Pets, Friday, August 26. They can hear a wider range of frequencies than any other mammal, including humans and dogs. Maybe when your cat sees a blank wall it means it's hearing a frequency that you can't hear. For example, water flowing through pipes, air ducts, to insects outside the window.

5. Cats have cognitive dysfunction

Unlike the previous reasons, cats can experience cognitive dysfunction when they are older. Symptoms are more or less similar to dementia or senility in humans. Cats with cognitive dysfunction may meow loudly in the middle of the night and may stare at blank walls with confused eyes.

In addition to cognitive dysfunction, cats need to get medical attention when they stare at a blank wall while attacking their own tail. They may have hyperesthesia syndrome, which is a disease that makes them more aggressive and panicky so that they attack their own tails. This behavior deserves attention, as it is difficult for veterinarians to explain the cause except by looking at the cat's behavior.

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