JAKARTA - Putri Patricia has left the entertainment world for 10 years. Having worked as an employee, Putri finally returned from a hiatus because she received an offer to join the horror film titled Devil's Banquet.

"I haven't been in the entertainment world for a very long time. Actually, I've been shooting a film since last month. So it seems that God has destined me to be created for entertainment, so I'm back on the entertainment line again," said Putri, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, August 20.

"Thank God, Alhamdulillah, if I was still given the opportunity to be able to return to the world of the big screen, the small screen," he added.

After a long time without acting, Putri admitted that she was tense when she returned to the entertainment world. However, before starting the process of filming the Devil's Supper, Putri admitted that she was grateful that she had time to prepare for reading with her co-stars in the film.

"For the one in this project, I'm prepared, fortunately, we can still read. But if the one filming last month was honest, I was very stressed. Because I haven't acted in more than a decade," said Putri.

"So what was filmed yesterday was more of a pressure because they don't know what this world (entertainment) is anymore. Even though there are words that say if you can ride a bicycle, even though you haven't ridden a bicycle for a long time, but once you ride a bicycle you will know how. Well that's what I experienced, "he continued.

Even though she already had acting skills before, Putri also admitted that she got a lot of new lessons when she returned to the entertainment world. Not only that, the character of Ibu Santi that she played in the Devil's Banquet also made her try new things that she had never done before during her career in the entertainment world.

"But it's also possible that there are many new things that must be learned. For example, in this film character, I've been playing a similar character for a very long time. I imagined I would do it before," said Putri.

"So that's the homework for me. So indeed every project has different characters, different experiences. In other words, even though I can ride a bicycle, I can speed up, but the terrain is different. So I have to learn more, " he closed.

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