YOGYAKARTA – In communicating, apart from using words to interact, touch also plays a role. Touch is a body language that conveys many subtle messages to others. We communicate nonverbally by touch, which includes facial expressions, gestures, eye movements, and body movements to send complex messages. Researchers Jones and Yarbrough classify the various ways people use touch as a medium of nonverbal communication, the following categories.
1. Touch of positive influenceThis first category, signifies liking, affection, and sexual interest. For example, hugging a loved one, holding hands, but some quite subtle cues like flirting by lightly touching their arm or touching their knee.

This second type of touch, includes any form of touch that is not serious. Usually done to people we like, such as tickling, hitting, to pushing.
3. Touch controlIt is a touch to make someone obey it in a certain way. Like ushering someone out of a room, or trying to attract attention by pulling your hand, and putting your finger to your lips to silence them.
4. Ritualistic touchLaunching Psychology Today, Wednesday, August 17, ritualistic types of touch include all forms of touch to greet. Such as handshakes, fists, cheek kisses, and others. This also includes holding hands in prayer, contact during dancing, and the touch used to say goodbye.
5. Task-oriented touchThis last type of touch has to do with assigning tasks. For example, helping an elderly person get out of a seat, helping someone along a rocky path from falling, or guiding someone else to show them how to do a task.
In research on obedience, positive, gentle touch can have a tremendous impact on the behavior of others. A little touch to get others to give money, sign petitions, and the like, can increase compliance rates. Research also shows, in restaurants, shows that if the server touches the customer lightly, it can increase the percentage of the customer's tip.
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