JAKARTA - Director Quentin Tarantino will adapt the film Once Upon a Time in Hollywood in the form of a novel. Tuesday, November 17th, HarperCollins publisher announced the news.

Different from the film version, the book version of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood will provide Tarantino's original story which tells of Rick Dalton and Cliff Both in a back and forth plot.

The desire to adapt films to novels was inspired by the similar format used by classic novels. “Films made by novels in the 70s were the first adult books I read. Until now, I have a connection with that genre, ”said Tarantino as quoted from Variety today, November 18.

"I am also enthusiastic to explore my characters and their world in the form of literature so that it can complement the cinematic," he said further.

With HarperBooks, Quentin Tarantino has a two-book contract agreement, namely the book Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and a fictional novel entitled Cinema Speculation.

His second book will tell a lengthy paper and an overview of the film industry in the 1970s.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood tells the struggle of actor Rick Dalton and his friend who is a Cliff Both stuntman.

The film Once Upon a Time in Hollywood received 10 Academy Award nominations. Leonardo DiCaprio who played Dalton won Best Actor while Brad Pitt won Best Supporting Actor. The novel is projected to be released in 2021.

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