Riley Reid Worries Of Losing Sex Opportunities Because Of Choosing Pornography Over Girlfriends
Riley Reid (Instagram Riley Reid

JAKARTA - While many think that love will come easily to an erotic star, Riley Reid has struggled to find a man who supports her career.

This 29-year-old woman from Florida worries she will have to choose between pornography or getting married. In her Instagram post a few days ago, she revealed: “Never before have I had a boyfriend who is proud of my job.

"I have two 'normal' girlfriends in my adult life. Normal I mean is they don't do porn.

"Both ended up with an ultimatum, 'porn or them'."

Riley ended the two relationships because her boyfriend did not agree with her career.

But years later, he wondered if this was the right thing to do.

“I always choose porn. I struggled with the choice, wondering if I had made the right decision, "said Riley.

“I am worried that I may miss opportunities for love and happiness. Knowing that I carry a load of shame around me, I find it hard to believe that one day someone will accept me and love me unconditionally. But I can hope. "

Riley hopes that society's perceptions of sex workers in the future will change. He wants to meet someone who can accept him as he is.

The porn actress added: "So I hope one day someone will be proud to call me their own and that other sex workers like me can feel the love we all want."

Riley's post received 861,000 likes - and received many words of support.

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