6 Men's Secrets That Women Never Know, What Are They?
Illustration (Fernanda Electronica/Pexels)

JAKARTA - Unlike women, men can be very secretive creatures. They don't like to tell all the stories to their partners because they want to remain mysterious. Instead of having to tell, men prefer if women find out everything about them.

For those of you women who want to know what men's secrets are, VOI cited the Times of India, Wednesday, August 10, to share the facts, especially with you.

Men like sex

But they do not like something monotonous. So women, if they continue to choose missionary sex, it could be that their partners will be bored with sexual activity. Look for foreplay options or different sex positions to keep your sexual relationship heated. If confused, ask your partner which sex position they like the most or want to explore.

Can lose the romantic side

Men will stop being romantic when they are no longer interested in the woman who is their partner. So, if fights keep happening in your relationship, especially if you have to fight over small issues. It could mean that he lost his love for women.

Men don't like to watch romantic movies

Most men don't like movies with sadness or predictable endings. They prefer action films, some are fond of animation. So, don't be surprised if the invitation to watch a romantic movie will get rejected from your partner.

Lying if you have to

A man will not hesitate to lie when they really want to get something. When they are attracted to a woman and want to get her, they will start saying all kinds of good things about her.

Men don't like to be given hope

Men don't like it when women put too much expectation on them. Because, they assume these expectations will turn into a big responsibility. Meanwhile there are many things they need to think about besides having to meet women's expectations. For that, be fair to men. No need to have high hopes.

Men find other women attractive

At certain times, men will find a friend or sister of a woman who is his partner more attractive. Of course, they wouldn't dare say this to the woman because it could ruin the relationship. In fact, the interest that exists is just admiration without involving further feelings.

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