Having A Good Sense Of Humor Is One Of The Keys To Family Harmony
Illustration (Christian Bowen/Unsplash)

JAKARTA - Even a small, crisp humor can make your relationship with your partner more intimate. Jeffrey Hall, a lecturer at the University of Kansas, said that the humor created by a partner is closely related to satisfaction in a relationship. Humor is also believed to be one way to maintain the intimacy of a couple in a relationship.

Citing The Conversation page, Tuesday, August 9, a lot of evidence shows that having a sense of humor makes a person more attractive in the eyes of a partner. In a study that followed 3,000 married couples, everyone felt happier having a humorous partner. Even so, the wives feel that their husbands show their humorous side more often than they do. What is clear, they admit that humor really has a positive impact on their marriage.

Having a sense of humor does not mean just laughing together while watching comedy films, but also being able to make your partner laugh. You might think, but not everyone is born cute.

Don't worry, to make your partner laugh. You can actually find humor in everyday events that you don't expect. For example, while walking in the morning, suddenly the soles of your sports shoes come off. Annoying for sure, but on the other hand it must also tickle your partner. Either laugh or pity.

Well, you decide whether to nag or laugh. If you decide to laugh, or laugh spontaneously, you have a good sense of humor. Couples will also not feel guilty, if they laugh too.

In addition to reducing stress, humor will also bring the relationship closer. When you're upset with your partner, suddenly he makes a spontaneous comment that makes you have to laugh. Surely you can't be mad at him anymore, right? If you previously preferred silence, you may change your mind, then choose to be more active in communicating to talk about things that irritate you.

There are several ways you can liven up your relationship with more laughter. For example, laughing at a joke thrown by someone else, retelling a joke you just heard, watching a comedy show, replying to a short message with a funny sticker, or flirting with a funny expression.

However, Jeffrey also reminded about negative humor, namely jokes that are harassing, cynical, and rude. This can actually destroy the relationship between the two of you. There is a difference between a teasing joke and an insulting one. Although difficult to explain, you will be able to feel the difference.

“In a relationship, negative jokes can be very toxic. So make sure the jokes you throw don't damage yourself and your relationship," he said.

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