JAKARTA - The name of the M70D rice variety is currently on the rise. The reason is, the superior rice seeds developed by the Presidential Chief of Staff and the General Chair of the DPP HKTI (Indonesian Farmers Harmony Association), General TNI (Ret.) Dr. Moeldoko, S.Ip. it has a shorter harvest period than other varieties. If other rice seeds take more than 90 days to harvest, M70D seeds can be harvested in between 70-75 days only.

During the trial period, the M70D rice variety managed to reach 9.6 million tons/ha, with a planting period of only 63 days after planting. So, this M70D Rice can be harvested four times each year. Seeing the main advantages of profitable rice, it is not surprising that many farmers are tempted to plant this M70D variety of rice.

After all, the method of planting is also fairly easy. M70D rice or Moeldoko 70 Days rice can be grown using the Hazton technique. Launching Agriculture Pontianak City, Tuesday, August 2, Hazton technology is a method of growing rice using old seeds that are 25-35 days after sowing. With the number of solid seeds, namely 20-30 days of seeds per planting hole.

After planting, M70D rice should be given organic fertilizer based on HKTI recommendations. Fertilizer was applied when the rice was 10, 25, and 45 days old. At the age of 45 days, organic fertilizers can be assisted with foliar fertilizers that contain lots of phosphate and potassium.

The treatment of rice is carried out in the same way as the treatment of other varieties of rice. Try to keep the rice free from diseases, viruses, and weeds. If you see seeds such as leafhoppers or viruses, you should immediately eradicate them before they become too many. Also, clean weeds regularly so that crop yields improve.

The harvest period can be done at the age of 70 days of rice. But in cold areas such as the highlands, harvest time lasts longer, reaching 85 days. Although it takes 15 days longer than normal time, Moeldoko's rice harvest period is still faster than other types of rice.

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