JAKARTA - The figure of Veranosiliyana who sued Zaskia Gotik's husband, Sirajuddin Mahmud appeared before the public. The original Yogyakarta model also sued for 4 building assets owned by Sirajuddin Mahmud Sabang and material and immaterial damages with a total of around Rp 17 billion.

Veranosiliyana sued Sirajuddin Mahmud to recognize his son as his biological son. It allowed the lawsuit to Sirajuddin.

While crying, the woman familiarly called Inez admitted that she only wanted justice from Sirajuddin. It also does not mean to disturb Sirajuddin's marriage with Zaskia Gotik.

"I hope my son gets what he deserves," said Veranosiliyana quoting Lambe Turah.

He explained that the relationship between himself and Sirajuddin started when the man was still a widower. They met in Yogyakarta where their second friend introduced them.

"So at that time he was a widower so when he got pregnant he was abandoned," he explained.

Inez did not mean to appear to disturb Zaskia Gotik, but she wanted Sirajuddin Mahmud to be responsible for her and her son.

"My business is not with her (Zaskia Gotik), my business is with her husband," insisted Inez.

Zaskia Gotik doesn't seem to pay much attention to Inez's appearance. She has just spent 7 months in Balikpapan with her husband. He also wrote a message in the photo upload with Sirajuddin.

"I love you my husband," wrote Zaskia Gotik.

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