JAKARTA – The Bad Parenting series was released on Vision+, Wednesday, July 27. This drama genre series with a touch of comedy and satire tells the story of a family that looks intact and fine, but actually has many problems.

The messy parental relationship causes the children in the family to become victims. This series is the result of collaboration with the Cameo Project, which is directed by Martin Anugrah. Bad Parenting will be coming in 12 episodes.

Bad Parenting is played by Nadila Ernesta as Monica, Zidni Hakim as Toby, Assila Corina as Sarah, Maddy Slinger as Teresa, Alif Anwar as Mario, Melly Manuhutu as Aunt Heni, Samuel Rizal as Randy, Finn Bramasta as Leo, Usama Harbatah as Pak Toto , and many more.

“Bad Parenting tells a story that is entertaining, but also realistic, and without us realizing it, many issues are being discussed all around us. We hope that viewers from all walks of life, whether parents, children, married or unmarried couples, can take the moral message well and become more aware of the big role family plays in our lives," said Clarissa Tanoesoedibjo as Managing Director of Vision+ in a release. received by VOI.

The seriousness of targeting children's mental health is demonstrated by collaborating with Riliv, a mental health application with integrated psychological services. This collaboration is intended so that the community gets education and easier access to solve family problems, so that problems in Bad Parenting do not occur as much.

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