JAKARTA - Who would have thought that the trend that was victorious in the 90s turned out to be popular again today? The lip gloss trend is no exception. Various beauty influencers on social media such as Instagram and TikTok are seen polishing their lips with lip gloss until they sparkle. In fact, lip gloss will not go out of style.

However, not only to be applied to the lips, lip gloss turns out to have many other functions. You just need to carry a lip gloss in your bag, and your day will definitely be saved. Here are some multi-purpose lip gloss uses!

substitute for brow gel

Now you don't have to bother carrying brow gel everywhere. Because, just one lip gloss product can be used for your lips as well as your eyebrows. Clear lip gloss can serve as a substitute for brow gel. To make the look more assertive, you can apply lip gloss to the eyebrows while combing it upwards.


Try using a pink or coral lip gloss to give your lids a glossy shine. Clear lip gloss can also work as an eyelid primer. The glossy look is perfect for creating bling eyes.

Highlighter replacement

With a glossy and shimmering finish, it is only natural that lip gloss can be used as a highlighter. Not only that, this way you will also save money instead of investing too much in highlighter. The best part is that a lip gloss with the right formula will give the same result as a normal highlighter.

Tidy hair

If you have frizzy hair, try applying a little lip gloss to your hair. Rub a small amount of lip gloss between the palms of your hands and gently run through your hair to detangle the frizz. Lip gloss works like hair oil in dealing with stubborn tangles.

Cream blush

Forgot to bring your cream blush? Don't worry! Now, colored lip gloss can replace cream blush on cream. Mix lip gloss with your moisturizer or foundation for a pinkish and dewy look. As a suggestion, use a red or burgundy lip gloss so that the cream blush color of the lip gloss is more visible.

lip color

Create a new lip gloss color by combining cream blush, eyeshadow, or lipstick with your clear lip gloss. Vary the amount and color, and you'll be pleasantly surprised by the results of your colored lip gloss creations.

emergency aid

When the skin is exposed to a razor when shaving legs, you can use lip gloss as a first aid if it is difficult to find a first aid kit. The method is quite easy. All you have to do is apply clear lip gloss to the razor to control the bleeding wound until you find the first aid kit.

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