JAKARTA - Doja Cat was one of the performers at the 2020 MTV Europe Music Awards (EMA) which was held on Sunday, November 8.

Doja Cat, featuring Say So, brings a new nuance to the song, which is thick with the pop genre.

This time, he performed Say So in rock style with a dark stage setting. He appeared out of a television tube with messy hair like the character Samara from the horror film The Ring.

Doja Cat also doesn't rap Say So as usual. The guitar and drums playing together make Say So look fresh and attractive.

Netizens also praised Say So's appearance through the official video. Not a few feel that Doja Cat has the same image as Evanescence.

“He (Doja Cat) takes opportunities like this to showcase his creativity while expanding his audience. Very clever! I think his performance this time will open many doors for him, ”wrote one audience member.

"He always changes EVERY concept of his appearance," said another audience.

Watch Doja Cat perform a rock version of Say So below:

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